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Phonics and Reading Schemes


Whole class Phonics is taught in Reception and Key Stage 1, using the ‘Essential Letters and Sounds’

Essential Letters and Sounds: Click on the link if you would like to find out more about the teaching programme.

Follow the links below to see videos on Phase 2 and Phase 3 sounds

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 5


We have a range of reading books in school, which are organised in line with the six phases of Essential Letters & Sounds. These books are read at school and we have a selection of books to take home for extra practice. 

We also have guided reading sessions in class which are led by the teachers. This time is for learning reading strategies, sharing a book in a small group and practising reading skills. We use Reciprocal Reading to:

Improve reading comprehension through the use of four strategies: predicting, questioning, clarifying and summarising

To scaffold the four strategies by modelling, guiding and applying the strategies while reading

To enable pupils to become metacognitive and reflective in their strategy use

To use the social nature of learning to improve and scaffold reading comprehension

To strengthen teaching in a variety of settings: shared, guided and independent

To be part of the broader framework of comprehension strategies

We also use Accelerated Reader to motivate and track the reading age of all children. Click on the link below to find out more.

Accelerated Reader