Penny Post - 21st June 2024
Our latest newsletter
Summer Fair
As you will know, our Summer Fair this year is on Friday 19th July at 1.30 p.m.
The school will close at 1.15 p.m. in order for the children to attend the fair with their families. If your child normally walks home on their own, an adult will need to collect them.
- On Friday 28th June, the children can come to school in their own clothes for a donation of a bottle. Could you please ensure any bottles are in date and have not been opened? Yr. 5 are on a trip so they will still need to come to school in their uniform.
- On Friday 5th July, the children can come to school in their own clothes for a donation of a chocolate item. Could you please ensure they do not contain nuts and are on date? Yr. 2 are on a trip so they will need to come to school in their full uniform.
A huge thank you to Cardinal Project Management Ltd. for their donation of reading books for the children’s reading corner. |
Trust Update
- On Monday 17th June, Mrs Haywood met with the Director of Maths from Co-op Trust.
- On Friday Mrs. Khambhaita and Mr. Waddington will be taking 7 Yr. 6 children to Angel Square in Manchester to a Performance Poetry Competition. Good Luck!!
Values Champions
Yousaf (Rec); Aiesha (Yr. 1); Taranveer (Yr. 2); All of Yr. 3; Tomi (Yr. 4); and Kofil (Yr. 6).
Attendance this Week
The Attendee Bear winner is Nursery with 99%
Rec: 85%; Year 1: 90.4%; Year 2: 90.4%; Year 3: 87%; Year 4: 88.4%; Year 5: 84.5%; Year 6: 88.2%
Whole school so far this year: 95.1%