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Penny Post - 5th July 2024

Our latest newsletter

Summer Fair

Reminder: our Summer Fair is on Friday 19th July at 1.30 p.m.

The school will close at 1.15 p.m. in order for the children to attend the fair with their families.  If your child normally walks home on their own, an adult will need to collect them.

We are also asking for donations of raffle prizes and items for the Bric and Brac Stall.  Bric and Brac are second-hand items which can include old toys, ornaments, books, etc., that are clean, not broken and in good working condition.  

Adult Only Trip to Haworth

A small number of parents joined us on a parent trip to Haworth on Monday 1st July.  We went to Cobbles and Clay where we painted some pottery and enjoyed tea and cake.  We hope the trip helped to promote positive mental wellbeing and build new friendships.  It was a great chance to have a lovely afternoon out and meet and chat with other parents.  The school trip was funded by The Co-op.

All our parents really enjoyed it and here are a few quotes from them.

  • "What a lovely way to spend a day I really enjoyed painting my cup and chatting to other mums and the cake was delicious."
  • "Thank you, Penny Oaks for a lovely day."
  • "Really enjoyed my day and was nice to have a break from the housework."
  • "Cobbles and Clay "Thank you for choosing our little shop to do your activity in, please come again as it is great idea"

 If you would be interested in joining us on future parent trips please contact Miss Garner at

We would also like to thank Coop Parkland for the use of their mini-bus.


Trust Update

  • James Davies and Hannah Lilley attended the Oracy Exhibition on Monday 1st July and met with Mrs Khambhaita regarding Oracy Strategy across the trust.
  • Mrs Spafford attended an attendance workshop at Co-op Headquarters in Manchester on Tuesday 25th June 2024.
  • Mr Waddington attended a Career’s Conference at Co-op Headquarters in Manchester on Wednesday 26th June 2024.
  • Mrs Khambhaita, Mrs Haywood and Mrs Lovick attended a development day at Belle Vue school in Manchester on Thursday 27th June 2024.

Values Champions

Aafiyah (Rec); Aishah (Yr. 1); Vaibhavi (Yr. 2); Misbah (Yr. 3); Rayaan (Yr. 4) and Justin (Yr. 6).

Attendance this Week

The Attendee Bear winner is Yr. 2 with 99.6%

Rec: 97.7%;  Year 1: 97.7%;  Year 2: 99.6%;  Year 3: 97.7%;  Year 4: 98.3%;  Year 5: 98.3%;  Year 6: 97.4%

Whole school so far this year:   95.2%