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Penny Post

Our latest newsletter

Once again, it has been a busy year — our first one as a part of the Co-op Academies Trust.

There has been a lot of hard work and many memorable events.

  • The many class trips
  • Sports day
  • The amazing End of Year Performances

We would like to thank everyone for their support this year; children, staff, parents, governors, members of the community and the Co-op Trust.

We would also like to wish all pupils who are leaving today every possible success in the future, and we pray that they will be happy in their new schools.

School re-opens Wednesday 4th September 2024 and the Nursery will reopen on Friday 6th September.

Summer Fair

A big thank you to all the families who supported the Summer Fair.  We raised £669.09.  This money will go towards buying out own Smoothie Bike.

Year 6 London Trip

Year 6 were lucky to visit the Houses of Parliament yesterday.

It was an early start, but we all made the early train to Leeds, where we boarded the London train. We took an underground train to Westminster to start our visit, we were escorted on a behind the scenes tour and bumped into some famous MPs.

We then walked across London to the banks of the River Thames and took a ride on the London Eye, which gave us a perfect view of the capital city!

The amazing day was rounded off with a pizza before we boarded the train for home.  It was a long day but a brilliant one.

Thank you so much Miss Garner for organising it for us!    Mr Waddington

Mrs Khambhaita:  ‘We’ve had such a good day - the children have been amazing!’

Values Champions

Clarita (Rec); Bernice (Yr.1); Mikael (Yr. 2); all of Yr. 3; Hibba (Yr. 4); Harnoor (Yr. 4); all of Yr. 5 and Natasza (Yr. 6).

Attendance this Year

Rec: 95.7%; Year 1: 94%; Year 2: 95.9%; Year 3: 95.2%; Year 4: 95.1%; Year 5: 95.6%; Year 6: 96.1%

Whole school this year:   95.4%