Penny Post
Our latest newsletter
Maths Showcase Mrs Haywood would like to thank all the parents who came to the Maths Showcase. We were overwhelmed by how many joined us and supported their children in their maths lessons. The children always enjoy parents joining them for lessons. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. |
Harvest Assembly On Thursday 24th October Yr. 6 will be leading the Harvest Assembly. We are asking if you could help us by sending in a tin of soup/beans/tomatoes/vegetables etc. or a packet of dry food, for example, rice or pasta etc. |
School Meal Prices
We have been informed the school meal prices will be increasing to £2.35 from the 4th November.
Warm Clothing
Please ensure that you send your child/children to school with coats, hats, scarves, gloves etc. If your child comes to school in wellies, please ensure they bring a change of shoes to school. Make sure all items have your child’s name in them.
Year 6 Parents — Secondary School Application
There are still a number of families that have not completed the secondary school application process. The deadline is 31st October 2024. For those few who still have not completed their applications, then you need to do so as soon as possible. If you are having problems please see Mrs. Spafford, or contact the Admissions Team on 01274 439200 or email
Parent Events or Meetings
If you require any assistance during parent events/meetings e.g. translator, access arrangements etc. you will need to complete a booking form. These can be obtained from the office. This form must be completed and returned to Mrs. Spafford at least two weeks before the event/meeting. Please note that although we endeavour to meet all assistance requests, completing this form does not guarantee that the request will be met.
Co-op Update
- Mrs Spafford attended an Attendance Network meeting on Monday afternoon.
- On Tuesday Mrs Vasey attended a HR Conference,
- Carla Robinson (EYFS Director) worked with Miss Redman on Wednesday afternoon.
- Karine Hendley (Regional Director) visited the school on Wednesday afternoon and was very impressed with the children.
- Claire Dodd (Safeguarding Lead) met with Mrs Shah to support Safeguarding
Our Year 6 Eco Champions have created our school wormery to help produce compost and recycle food waste created in our kitchen.
See the instructions below if you are inspired to have a go at creating your own with your families.
If you would like further information, please follow this link
Values Champions
Francisco (Rec); Japhet (Yr. 1); Ethan (Yr. 2); Saanvi (Yr. 3); Gabriel (Yr. 5) and Muhammad Is’Haaq (Yr. 6).
Attendance Bear winners this week are Year 5
Rec: 95.7%; Yr. 1: 95%; Yr. 2: 98.1%; Yr. 3: 98.5%; Yr. 4: 91.5%; Yr. 5: 98.7%; Yr. 6: 95.3%
Whole school so far this year: 97.2%
Rec: 7; Yr. 1: 6; Yr. 2: 4; Yr. 3: 1; Yr. 4: 7; Yr. 5: 6; Yr. 6: 7
Year 3 are the winners this week.
Dates for the Calendar
Thursday 24th October: Family Dance and Dine
Friday 25th October: School closes for October half-term
Monday 4th November: School re-opens
Thursday 7th November: Diwali Dance and Dine
Friday 8th November: Yr. 6 trip to Eden Camp
Friday 29th November: Non-uniform day for bottle donation
Tuesday 3rd December: Yr. 3 trip to Cliffe Castle, Keighley
Friday 6th December: Non-uniform for chocolate donation
W/B 9th December: Santa Shop
Friday 13th December: Christmas Jumper Day
Christmas Fair (1.30 p.m.—3.30 p.m.)
Tuesday 17th December: Dance and Dine
Wednesday 18th December: Christmas Production (9.30 a.m. — mince pies and a drink from 9.00 a.m.)
Christmas Dinner
Friday 20th December: School closes for Christmas
Monday 6th January: School re-opens