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Year 2 Curriculum

  • Class Teacher: Mrs E Cieloch
  • Support Staff: Mrs A Clements


Our PE days are Monday and Tuesday. Please ensure your child comes to school in their full P.E kit on these days. It is expected that all items are clearly named. 


Our class visits the library on a Friday so please make sure books are brought back by Thursday to be changed.


The children will be given spellings to learn on a Monday and will be tested on them on Friday. Please support your child in learning their spellings through the week.

Reading books will be set on Oxford Owl on a Friday. Please spend time with your child supporting and listening to them read and talk to them about what they have read. 

A homework grid relating to the topic being covered will be sent home at the beginning of each half-term. The children are expected to research and produce answers to at least 1 of the questions. They can answer the questions with as much creativity as they wish. They will be expected to share their work with the rest of the class.



Medium Term Plans Homework Grids

Autumn 1

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 1

Spring 2

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 1

Summer 2

Summer 2